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Pamäť vody

The Skeptik 2013;1:1-3

Novella S

Abstract: Homeopatia je nezmyslom, poverou a hrubo zavádzajúcim prostriedkom. Je tiež vedecky negramotná. A predsa existuje ako veľmi nadbytočná bytosť – moderný homeopat. Zatiaľ, čo prax je nerozlíšiteľná od rituálov a čarov (ospravedlňujem sa čarodejníčkam a čarodejníkom), moderný homeopat by sa rád zahalil do úctyhodnosti vedy. Autor článku zdokumentoval, že homeopatické prostriedky založené na pamäti vody môžu dokonca zhoršiť zdravie pacienta a viesť k infarktu myokardu alebo k mozgovej porážke.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Pamäť vody

The Skeptik 2013;1:1-3

Novella S

Abstract: Homeopatia je nezmyslom, poverou a hrubo zavádzajúcim prostriedkom. Je tiež vedecky negramotná. A predsa existuje ako veľmi nadbytočná bytosť – moderný homeopat. Zatiaľ, čo prax je nerozlíšiteľná od rituálov a čarov (ospravedlňujem sa čarodejníčkam a čarodejníkom), moderný homeopat by sa rád zahalil do úctyhodnosti vedy. Autor článku zdokumentoval, že homeopatické prostriedky založené na pamäti vody môžu dokonca zhoršiť zdravie pacienta a viesť k infarktu myokardu alebo k mozgovej porážke.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

NUTRIGENETIC: new scientific field, bussiness, or fraud?

The Skeptik 2013;1:4-6

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population -scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional
recommendation. There is a danger of misuse nutrigenetics for „scientific“ fraud.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

NUTRIGENETIC: new scientific field, bussiness, or fraud?

The Skeptik 2013;1:4-6

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population -scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional
recommendation. There is a danger of misuse nutrigenetics for „scientific“ fraud.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Obesity in Europe: Czech primacy and paradoxes

The Skeptik 2013;1:7-12

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: Obesity is known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Czech republic (CZ) is in Europe on the head of obesity prevalence. In CZ there is also highest prevalence of diabetes type 2. Both obesity and diabetes are important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Surprisingly, after 1989 in CZ there is evident decrease of premature mortality caused by CVD and evident increase in life expectancy. The explanation of this paradox are the politico-economical changes after 1989: increase in the consumption of healthy food (e.g. fruit, vegetables, nuts, olive oil etc.) and better diagnosis and therapy of CVD (especially the use of statins). The result is permanent increase of life expectancy at birth both in males and females living in CZ.

The Skeptik (Article in slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Skeptický pohľad na súčasné doporučené hladiny cholesterolu

The Skeptik 2013;2:29-35.

Ginter E, Kajaba I

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Presently accepted guidelines related to serum total cholesterol (CH) deal only with elevated levels. Desirable value is considered less than 5.2 mmol/L, marginal to elevated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is at 5.2 to 6.2 mmol/L, high risk is at CH above 6.2 mmol/L. This policy ignores findings where very low CH was associated with increased general mortality. Consequently, CH values lower than 4.2 mmol/L should represent an increased risk of general mortality.

Key words: cholesterol levels, cardiovascular mortality, total mortality, statins

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Obesity in Europe: Czech primacy and paradoxes

The Skeptik 2013;1:7-12

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: Obesity is known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Czech republic (CZ) is in Europe on the head of obesity prevalence. In CZ there is also highest prevalence of diabetes type 2. Both obesity and diabetes are important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Surprisingly, after 1989 in CZ there is evident decrease of premature mortality caused by CVD and evident increase in life expectancy. The explanation of this paradox are the politico-economical changes after 1989: increase in the consumption of healthy food (e.g. fruit, vegetables, nuts, olive oil etc.) and better diagnosis and therapy of CVD (especially the use of statins). The result is permanent increase of life expectancy at birth both in males and females living in CZ.

The Skeptik (Article in slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Skeptic look on contemporary recommended cholesterol levels

The Skeptik 2013;2:29-35.

Ginter E, Kajaba I

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Presently accepted guidelines related to serum total cholesterol (CH) deal only with elevated levels. Desirable value is considered less than 5.2 mmol/L, marginal to elevated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is at 5.2 to 6.2 mmol/L, high risk is at CH above 6.2 mmol/L. This policy ignores findings where very low CH was associated with increased general mortality. Consequently, CH values lower than 4.2 mmol/L should represent an increased risk of general mortality.

Key words: cholesterol levels, cardiovascular mortality, total mortality, statins

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Neurobiology of cancer dissease

The Skeptik 2013;2:36-42.

Bánovská L1, Mravec B2

1 Institute of pathological physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
2 Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Reductionistic approach to biomedical research is necessary on the one hand but on the other hand, may limit the understanding of biological phenomena in all their complexity. It is valid also for research of cancer that is often focused on examining the role of selected molecules. Neurobiological research of cancer, focused on investigation of the role of interactions between tumor tissue and the nervous system, is based on a holistic approach to the complex process such as tumor growth.

Key Words: immune system, nervous system, neurobiology of cancer

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Neurobiológia nádorových chorôb: redukcionizmus versus komplexicita

The Skeptik 2013;2:36-42.

Bánovská L1, Mravec B2

1 Institute of pathological physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
2 Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Reductionistic approach to biomedical research is necessary on the one hand but on the other hand, may limit the understanding of biological phenomena in all their complexity. It is valid also for research of cancer that is often focused on examining the role of selected molecules. Neurobiological research of cancer, focused on investigation of the role of interactions between tumor tissue and the nervous system, is based on a holistic approach to the complex process such as tumor growth.

Key Words: immune system, nervous system, neurobiology of cancer

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov


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