As the Russian made camp the Commonwealth forces around 12,000 or more surrounded the much larger 40,000 soldier army of … Bellona. There was no more fresh infantry. [2] In the meantime, Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units. Bitwa pod Klushino; Część wojny polsko-rosyjskiej (1605-1618) Polska linia husarska w bitwie pod Kłuszynem: Data: 4 lipca 1610: Lokalizacja: Klushino. [3] Regardless, following the battle, Żółkiewski then turned back towards the Russians at Tsaryovo-Zaymishche, commanded by Valuyev, who after learning about the defeat of their relief force at Kluszyno decided to surrender. Battle of Klushino 1610 festival Editorial photos from the Battle of Klushino 1610 festival in Warsaw on 2010. Shuisky's losses were about 5,000; Żółkiewski's, about 400 (including 100 hussars). In the meantime, Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units. [2][unreliable source?] Battle of Klushino Knight without fear and conqueror of Moscow, today marks 400th anniversary of Stanisław Żółkiewski’s slaying After becoming the first ever European to occupy the Kremlin, Stanisław Żółkiewski presented the Tsar Szujski to King Sigismund III at the Warsaw Sejm of 1611. That hedge was a serious obstacle to us, for behind it Pontus had stationed infantry who very greatly hampered our men as they sallied out from and returned through the gaps. Zgodnie z art. [2][unreliable source?] ISBN cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit} [2][unreliable source?] [2] He claimed the Tsar's title from 1610 to 1634 but never assumed the throne, as his father and Commonwealth king, Zygmunt III Waza, failed to negotiate a lasting agreement with the boyars; the Polish garrison in Moscow was soon besieged and would surrender a year later. [3], Hoping to take advantage of Polish exhaustion, Shuiski ordered a reiter unit to counterattack the hussars. [2] A large portion of the foreign troops managed to retreat under the protection of their long infantry pikes in good order to the safety of their fortified camp (which was separate from the Russian camp). [2][unreliable source?] We swooped down on them, sword in hand – whether they had managed to reload or not, I would not know because they took for the rear and did not stop galloping until they reached the Russian reserve at the rear camp gate, where their several tidy formations became chaotically entangled. Battle of Klushino Bitwa pod Kłuszynem(1).avi • Bitwa pod Kłuszynem miała miejsce 4 lipca 1610 roku podczas wojny polsko-rosyjskiej 1609-1618. [2][3], While the center of the Russian army disintegrated, Russian regiments continued to hold on the right wing until they were overpowered, and the mercenary troops continued to put up strong resistance for several hours on the left wing. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. [2][unreliable source?] Battle of Klushino 1610 | Mod: Renaissance TW | Bitwa pod Kłuszynem |Medieval II Total War ... BATTLE OF CARRHAE l 53 BC Roman-Parthian Wars l Crassus' Death l … p. 135. [2][unreliable source?] Sigismund’s veto wasted this opportunity and instead left a residue of Russian hatred of Poland. Around the web Here Is Your Must-Watch List For John le Carre's Stories On Big Screen Read More. The Battle Of Klushino (1610) See How The Most One-Sided Battles In History Were Won By The Underdog. [1] A Russian army under Prince Dmitry Shuisky was heading towards the besieged fortress of Smolensk, but was intercepted by Commonwealth forces. [2][unreliable source?] [2] Meanwhile, the Commonwealth forces were exhausted and more interested in looting the camp and (according to Podhorecki) did not attempt to stop the Russians. Bellona. Fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are required . Russia, however, did not know the real strength of the Polish, and how greatly they outnumbered them. On 4 July 1610 he participated in the Battle of Klushino before joining the flank of the Polish forces. ], The battle is seen by modern historians as a decisive victory in the war, although contemporary accounts were less clear on this issue, and some tried to stress the importance of the Siege of Smolensk, commanded by the Polish king Sigismund III Vasa, and downplay Żółkiewski's victory. [2] The ruse was successful, as the besieged troops never realized that the bulk of the Polish-Lithuanian army was temporarily engaged elsewhere, and neither was Shuisky aware of the Polish-Lithuanian movements nor expecting a major engagement. ], Overall, the battle lasted about five hours. The battle occurred near the village of Klushino (Polish: Kłuszyn) near Smolensk (Polish: Smoleńsk). [2][unreliable source? [2][unreliable source? [2] Shuisky's losses were about 5,000; Żółkiewski's, about 400 (including 100 hussars). Print AskMen India. [2][3] As this Russian cavalry counterattack was mauled by the Commonwealth, the left flank of the Russian army was broken and, in the ensuing confusion, Russian ranks broke and they were pushed back towards their camp gates. Talk:Battle of Klushino. In 1610, in response to the Polish advance on Russia, Russians and Swedes formed an alliance, and launched an operation known as the De la Gardie Campaign. [2] The Russian troops found themselves encircled and trapped in their camp, but the main force under Shuisky, of about 35,000, was only days away. ], The Polish forces of about 12,000 under hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski encountered the advance Russian force of 8,000 under Grigory Valuyev and attempted to attack it soon after dawn on 24 June, but the Russians were able to fortify their positions at Tsaryovo-Zaymishche camp. [2][unreliable source?] [2][unreliable source?] The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn, was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. Photo about WARSAW - July 04: Battle of Klushino (KLUSZYN) 1610 reenactment - July 04, 2010 in Warsaw, Poland. [3], As Shuiski ordered a reiter unit to counterattack, in between the salvos the Polish-Lithuanians engaged them in melee combat. 13 ust. According to a description based on the work of Leszek Podhorecki, although Polish-Lithuanians were more aware that the battle was about to take place, the forces encountered one another in the darkness of the night, and Żółkiewski decided to organize his army rather than engaging immediately, which also gave the Tsardom of Russia time to prepare. In 1610 Hetman StanisB aw { 驜 kiewski seized Moscow after winning the Battle of Klushino. [2] Boyars then proclaimed the Polish prince of the Commonwealth Władysław IV Waza as the new Tsar of Russia. The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. [2][unreliable source?] The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. [2], The Russian army was divided into foreign mercenary regiments on the right (north-west) flank, and the main Russian army on the center and left (south-east) flank. ISBN 978-83-11-08275-5. The Battle of Klushino is commemorated on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw, with the inscription "KLUSZYN – MOSKWA 2 VII – 28 VIII 1610". In the battle the outnumbered Polish force secured a decisive victory over Russia, due to the tactical competence of hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski and the military prowess of Polish hussars, the elite of the army of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. [2][unreliable source?] [2][unreliable source?] Klushino is tied to Katyn Forest of Poles massacred by the NKVD, 1940. The falconets arrived with some infantry and met a great need. Fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. [1][2][3] Including the forces that did not take part in combat (remained in camp, reserve, or were delayed), the numbers were 12,300 Polish soldiers against 48,000 soldiers under Russian command. [2][unreliable source?] [2], The main Russian army was then allowed to retreat, as Shuisky preferred not to reengage in hostilities - despite the advice of his other commanders to the contrary. [2] However, the Russian fortified camp, filled with some still unbloodied troops (outnumbering the exhausted Commonwealth force) was a serious obstacle. Polish units consisted primarily of cavalry, primarily the Polish hussars, with about 400 Cossack infantry on the left wing. For the gunners discharged the falconets at the German infantrymen who stood by the hedge, and our infantry, not numerous but tried and experienced in many battles, rushed at them. ", "about that I shall remember, for it is beyond belief, that the companies managed eight or ten times to fall upon the enemy. [2][unreliable source?] Robert Sześniak, "Kłuszyn 1610", Warszawa 2004, ISBN 83-11-09785-2 Battle of Klushino. [3] Commonwealth took much loot and trophies, from luxury goods (gold, silver, furs) to military equipment (including all 11 Russian artillery pieces) to war trophies (several command flags and banners). The Battle of Klushino is commemorated on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Warsaw, with the inscription "KLUSZYN – MOSKWA 2 VII – 28 VIII 1610". There was no more fresh infantry. According to another account by Nagielski, they pursued the retreating Russians, inflicting several thousand casualties. [2] The Russian battle line consisted of infantry (pikemen, musketeers, arquebusiers), mostly behind the village fences, with a second line of cavalry to the rear and on the left wing (where there were fewer fences). In the battle the outnumbered Commonwealth force secured a decisive victory over Russia, due to the tactical competence of hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski and the military prowess of Polish hussars, the elite of the army of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. The Great Crown Hetman and Great Chancellor of the Crown in one person Stanislaw Żółkiewski the great statesman defeated the Russian army in the battle of Klushino conquered Moscow and captured the Tsar of Russia Vasili IV and his wife Empress Catherine commander of the Russian army, the Grand Duke Dmitri and heir to the throne of Russia, the Big Knez Ivan on October 29 they had all been brought by … [3] The Poles took much loot and trophies, from luxury goods (gold, silver, furs) to military equipment (including all 11 Russian artillery pieces) to war trophies (several command flags and banners). As they moved forward we exchanged a salvo of fire with them, and each front rank fell back to reload the pistol or arkebuz in the ordinary manner, while the second rank advanced to fire their salvo. The battle occurred near the village of Klushino (Polish language: Kłuszyn ) near Smolensk (Polish: Smoleńsk). [2][unreliable source?] The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn, was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. Eventually when the Polish infantry and cannons arrived, the mercenaries were forced to abandon their positions. The victory at Klushino in 1610 by Hetman Stanisław Zółkiewski resulted in a Polish occupation of Moscow and the election by Moscow’s boyars of Sigismund’s son Władysław as tsar. [3], The Russian army was divided into foreign mercenary regiments on the right (north-west) flank, and the main Russian army on the center and left (south-east) flank. [2] The Russian artillery, left in the camp, played no role in the battle. Further reading [2][unreliable source? [2], According to a description based on the work of Leszek Podhorecki, although the Poles were more aware that the battle was about to take place, the forces encountered one another in the darkness of the night, and Żółkiewski decided to organize his army rather than engaging immediately, which also gave the Tsardom of Russia time to prepare. Radoslaw Sikora, Battle of Kluszyn (Kluszino) [1] A Russian army under Prince Dmitry Shuisky was heading towards the besieged fortress of Smolensk, but was intercepted by Polish forces. [2] Polish-Lithuanian units consisted primarily of cavalry, primarily the Polish hussars, with about 400 Cossack infantry on the left wing. The R… Klushino, Battle of, Klushino, Smolenskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia, 1610 Please provide your name, email, and your suggestion so that we can begin assessing any terminology changes. [2] On 3 July he decided to leave part of his forces besieging the camp, and take the most mobile units against Shuisky's troops. There were, however, gaps in it and when we moved to attack, we had to break out through them. Another 200 infantry and two cannons would arrive later, and did not participate in the first part of the battle. [2][unreliable source? Abandoned by the Russians, the foreign mercenaries entered negotiations with the Polish troops and eventually surrendered, having reached satisfactory conditions. The Russian battle line consisted of infantry (pikemen, musketeers, arquebusiers), mostly behind the village fences, with a second line of cavalry to the rear and on the left wing (where there were fewer fences). [2][unreliable source?] "STANISŁAW ZÓŁKIEWSKI herbu Lubicz (1547–1620) hetman wielki". [2][unreliable source?] Battle of Klushino Silver Coin Issued by Mint of Poland Bitwa stoczona została między wojskami polskimi pod dow In 1610, in response to the Polish advance on Russia, Russians and Swedes formed an alliance, and launched an operation known as the De la Gardie Campaign. The battle is remembered as one of the greatest triumphs of the Polish cavalry and an example of excellence and supremacy of the Polish military at the time. ", [ Another living history re-enactment, 400 years back in time – to Smolensk 1610 WikiMatrix After early commonwealth victories ( Battle of Klushino ), which culminated in Polish forces entering Moscow in 1610, Sigismund's son, Prince Władysław of Poland, was briefly elected tsar. [2] On the other hand, Żółkiewski was confident in his powerful hussars, and decided to press with the attack. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Mirosław Nagielski (1995). By the grace of God, they became the reason of our victory. [2][unreliable source?] [2] Another 200 infantry and two cannons would arrive later, and did not participate in the first part of the battle. We had only my regiment and Count Chmielnicki’s, as we had to leave the rest besieging the Carowa-Zajmiszcze camp, so there was no way to continue. Download this stock image: Polish hussar cavalry knights charge at Battle of Klushino - 400 years festival in Warsaw, Poland, 3-4 of July 2010. ], The battle began before dawn. Hetmani Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Share. [2] According to another account by Nagielski, they pursued the retreating Russians, inflicting several thousand casualties. A fact from this article was featured on Wikipedia's Main Page in the On this day section on July 4, 2010, July 4, 2012, July 4, 2013, July 4, 2014, July 4, 2016, and July 4, 2019. The Polish-Lithuanian army was commanded by Hetman Stanislaw Żólkiewski. [2] Further, the besieged advance unit failed to notify Shuisky that it has encountered the Polish-Lithuanian army. ], The Polish forces numbering about 6,500[1]–6,800 men[2] (of which about 5,500, or about 80 percent, were the famous "winged" hussars) under Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski faced a numerically superior force of about 30,000 Russians under Princes Dmitry Shuisky, Andrey Galitzine, and Danilo Mezetsky, as well as about 5,000 mercenary units temporarily allied to Russia, under the command of Jacob De la Gardie, composed of Flemish, French, Irish, German, Spanish, English, and Scottish soldiers. Soon after the battle, Tsar Vasili IV was ousted by the Seven Boyars and Żółkiewski entered Moscow with little opposition. [2] Eventually when Commonwealth infantry and cannons arrived, the mercenaries were forced to abandon their positions. The Russian artillery, left in the camp, played no role in the battle. Klushino Battles in 1812, 1941 and 1943. There were, however, gaps in it and when we moved to attack, we had to break out through them. Battle of Klushino - Bitwa pod Kłuszynem - ściągnij piosenkę na komputer lub telefon. p. 136. 2. ^ a b c d Mirosław Nagielski (1995). Wydawn. ], The battlefield, a flat agricultural field, was crossed by a high village picket fence, reinforced by improvised fieldworks, which allowed the Polish hussars to charge only through a narrow gap. [2][3], While the center of the Russian army disintegrated, Russian regiments continued to hold on the right wing until they were overpowered, and the mercenary troops continued to put up strong resistance for several hours on the left wing. Further, the mercenaries who took positions in the forest were surrounded as well. The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn, was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles.The battle occurred near the village of Klushino (Polish: Kłuszyn) near Smolensk (Polish: SmoleńskKlushino (Polish: Kłuszyn Meanwhile, the Polish forces were exhausted and more interested in looting the camp and (according to Podhorecki) did not attempt to stop the Russians. [2][unreliable source?] [2], Overall, the battle lasted about five hours. [2] Additionally, several hundred mercenaries chose to switch sides, enlisting with the Commonwealth army. Bitwa pod Klushino - Battle of Klushino. ", "Then when there were no more of the German infantrymen harassing us by the hedge, a few troops of our cavalry, joining together, charged the foreign cavalry with lances - those who still had them - sabers and broadswords, They, deprived of protection of the Russian soldiers and cavalry, unable to resist, began escaping back into their camp. But there too our men rode after, and hitting and hacking drove them through their own camp", "It was hard to charge at him with the cavalry, which was exhausted. We had only my regiment and Count Chmielnicki’s, as we had to leave the rest besieging the Carowa-Zajmiszcze camp, so there was no way to continue. Military conflicts similar to or like Battle of Klushino. On 3 July he decided to leave part of his forces besieging the camp, and take the most mobile units against Shuisky's troops. [2][unreliable source? [2][unreliable source?] Bitwa stoczona została między wojskami polskimi pod dow ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw KLUSZYN 4 July 1610 based on Leszek Podhorodecki, Sławne bitwy Polaków (Famous Battles of Poles), Wydawnictwo Mada, 1997, ISBN 83-86170-24-7. He claimed the Tsar's title from 1610 to 1634 but never assumed the throne, as his father and Commonwealth king, Zygmunt III Waza, failed to negotiate a lasting agreement with the boyars; the Polish garrison in Moscow was soon besieged and would surrender a year later. [2][unreliable source?] [2][unreliable source?] ], The Polish forces now surrounded the two enemy camps. The Battle of Klushino (Battle of Kłuszyn) was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Tsardom of Russia during the … ", "about that I shall remember, for it is beyond belief, that the companies managed eight or ten times to fall upon the enemy. [3] Regardless, following the battle, Żółkiewski then turned back towards the Russians at Tsaryovo-Zaymishche, commanded by Valuyev, who after learning about the defeat of their relief force at Kluszyno decided to surrender. ", "The Muscovites ran by God’s grace for a mile, while we slashed at them and grabbed the rich ones, who, carrying what they owned, tried to get away" "Far more Muscovites fell in 2 or 3 miles of pursuit then fell in their ranks in battle,", "STANISŁAW ZÓŁKIEWSKI herbu Lubicz (1547-1620) hetman wielki",, Battle of Klushino Silver Coin Issued by Mint of Poland, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Battles of the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–1618). The Battle: Prince Dmitry moved his armies to the besieged city of Smolensk, but was intercepted by the Commonwealth forces outside of Smolensk.Dmitry decided to make camp not knowing how many number of men the Commonwealth army had around him. Dr Przemysław Gawron (UKSW) Bitwa pod Kłuszynem 1610 r. 4 lipca 1610 roku oddziały polsko – litewskie, dowodzone przez wojewodę kijowskiego i hetmana polnego koronnego Stanisława Żółkiewskiego zadały druzgoczącą klęskę liczniejszej armii moskiewskiej pod Kłuszynem. ], The main Russian army was then allowed to retreat, as Shuisky preferred not to reengage in hostilities – despite the advice of his other commanders to the contrary. [2][unreliable source? Wydawn. [2], The battle is seen by modern historians as a decisive victory in the war, although contemporary accounts were less clear on this issue, and some tried to stress the importance of the Siege of Smolensk, commanded by the Polish king Sigismund III Vasa, and downplay Żółkiewski's victory. [2], The Commonwealth forces of about 12,000 under hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski encountered the advance Russian force of 8,000 under Grigory Valuyev and attempted to attack it soon after dawn on 24 June, but Russians were able to fortify their positions at Tsaryovo-Zaymishche camp. But there too our men rode after, and hitting and hacking drove them through their own camp", "It was hard to charge at him with the cavalry, which was exhausted. On the other hand, Żółkiewski was confident in his powerful hussars, and decided to press with the attack. (…) After the repeated charges and hand-to-hand fighting with the enemy, our equipment was broken and our strength was dissipated (.…) The horses were also ready to drop, because they have not received sustenance since dawn and for five hours of battle, they had served with a will but were reaching the limits which nature imposes. [2], Żółkiewski decided to attempt negotiations with the enemy, with significant success. Image of armor, field, reenact - 15079962 [2][unreliable source? [2][3] The mercenaries were allowed to withdraw under the condition that they would not enlist with the Tsardom of Russia against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth again. The battle of Klushino saw a small Polish-Lithuanian army defeat a much larger Russian and Swedish army that was attempting to relieve the siege of Smolensk (1609-1611). The battle occurred near the village of Klushino (Kłuszyn) near Smolensk (Polish: Smoleńsk). Maps: [1], [2][permanent dead link], [3]. Battle of Klushino 1610.PNG 2,144 × 1,424; 5.78 MB Battle of Klushino Boguszowicz Russian cavalry.jpg 670 × 570; 192 KB Husaria pod Kluszynem.jpg 627 × 461; 117 KB Battle of Klushino Bitwa pod Kłuszynem(1).avi • Bitwa pod Kłuszynem miała miejsce 4 lipca 1610 roku podczas wojny polsko-rosyjskiej 1609-1618. [2] Further, the mercenaries who took positions in the forest were surrounded as well. [2][3] The Commonwealth forces continued to make ferocious attacks, and Samuel Maskiewicz, a witness from one hussar company, claimed that his unit charged eight or ten times. [2] The Polish hussars attack on the infantry, hidden behind the fences, and using firearms, were not successful. Hetmani Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. However, the Russian fortified camp, filled with some still unbloodied troops (outnumbering the exhausted Polish force) was a serious obstacle. The Seven Boyars then proclaimed the Polish prince of the Commonwealth Władysław IV Waza as the new Tsar of Russia. However, their attempt to employ caracole tactic ended disastrously when the Polish cavalry instead closed into melee after discharging their firearms. [2] According to Mirosław Nagielski, however, the Poles under Żółkiewski purposefully chose to engage the opponent at that time, hoping to catch them asleep. A large portion of the foreign troops managed to retreat under the protection of their long infantry pikes in good order to the safety of their fortified camp (which was separate from the Russian camp). That hedge was a serious obstacle to us, for behind it Pontus had stationed infantry who very greatly hampered our men as they sallied out from and returned through the gaps. Additionally, several hundred mercenaries chose to switch sides, enlisting with the Polish army. (…) After the repeated charges and hand-to-hand fighting with the enemy, our equipment was broken and our strength was dissipated (.…) The horses were also ready to drop, because they have not received sustenance since dawn and for five hours of battle, they had served with a will but were reaching the limits which nature imposes. Coordinates: 55°39′27″N 34°55′48″E / 55.6575°N 34.93°E / 55.6575; 34.93, 30,000 Russians[2][3]and 5,000 mercenaries. [2][unreliable source? For the gunners discharged the falconets at the German infantrymen who stood by the hedge, and our infantry, not numerous but tried and experienced in many battles, rushed at them. [2], The battlefield, a flat agricultural field, was crossed by a high village picket fence, reinforced by improvised fieldworks, which allowed the Commonwealth hussars to charge only through a narrow gap. The Battle of Klushino, or the Battle of Kłuszyn was fought on 4 July 1610, between forces of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Tsardom of Russia during the Polish–Muscovite War, part of Russia's Time of Troubles. ], Żółkiewski decided to attempt negotiations with the enemy, with significant success. The ruse was successful, as the besieged troops never realized that the bulk of the Polish army was temporarily engaged elsewhere, and neither was Shuisky aware of the Polish movements nor expecting a major engagement. Further, the besieged advance unit failed to notify Shuisky that it had encountered the Polish army. ", "Seeing us weaken, Szujski ordered two reiter cornets, who were in readiness to move against us, to attack and destroy us. [2][unreliable source? Below is a list of battle of klushino words - that is, words related to battle of klushino. But as dramatic as Zolkiewski’s victory was, it could do little to help shape events in a decisive manner in this part of the world where war had become endemic. Seeing their rank retreat to load their secondary weapons, we did not wait for their next rank. [2][unreliable source? Jump to navigation Jump to search. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. Read More ][3] The Polish forces continued to make ferocious attacks, and Samuel Maskiewicz, a witness from one hussar company, claimed that his unit charged eight or ten times. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. [2][unreliable source?]. The Russian troops found themselves encircled and trapped in their camp, but the main force under Shuisky, of about 35,000, was only days away. Polish prince of the Commonwealth forces around 12,000 or more surrounded the two enemy camps unit counterattack! Kłuszynem miała miejsce 4 lipca 1610 roku podczas wojny polsko-rosyjskiej 1609-1618 Russian artillery, left in meantime! ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Mirosław Nagielski ( 1995 ) exhaustion Shuiski... Like battle of Klushino 1610 festival in Warsaw on 2010 the Polish-Lithuanian army was commanded by Hetman Stanislaw.. The reason of our victory salvos the Polish-Lithuanians engaged them in melee.. Hussars attack on the left wing ] Soon after the battle of Klushino ( Kłuszyn near! Hand, Żółkiewski decided to press with the Commonwealth forces around 12,000 or surrounded. To load their battle of klushino weapons, we did not participate in the forest were surrounded as.... Bitwa pod Kłuszynem miała miejsce 4 lipca 1610 roku podczas wojny polsko-rosyjskiej 1609-1618 Most One-Sided Battles in History Won... Melee combat ) 1610 reenactment - July 04: battle of Klushino before joining the of. Meantime, Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units / 55.6575 ; 34.93, 30,000 Russians 2... 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Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units, gaps in it and when we moved to attack, had! `` STANISŁAW ZÓŁKIEWSKI herbu Lubicz ( 1547–1620 ) Hetman wielki '' 4 July 1610 he participated in the camp filled... The falconets arrived with some infantry and met a great need According to another account by,... Tied to Katyn forest of Poles massacred by the Seven Boyars then the! When Commonwealth infantry and met a great need to switch sides, enlisting with the army!, played no role in the battle of Klushino ( Polish: Kłuszyn ) near (... High resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors 's losses were about 5,000 ; 's. Advantage of Polish exhaustion, Shuiski ordered a reiter unit to counterattack the hussars salvos the Polish-Lithuanians them! Outnumbering the exhausted Polish force ) was a serious obstacle unit to counterattack the.... The village of Klushino ( Polish: Smoleńsk ) looking for better, more reliable sources met a great.... 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On 4 July 1610 he participated in the meantime, Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units photos the. Arrive later, and did not know the real strength of the battle occurred near the village of (. Is Your Must-Watch list for John le Carre 's Stories on Big Screen Read more prosimy przeczytanie... Weapons, we had to break out through them a b c d e f g h j! ] Polish-Lithuanian units consisted primarily of cavalry, primarily the Polish hussars, with significant success is, related... Ordered a reiter unit to counterattack, in between the salvos the Polish-Lithuanians engaged in! On 4 July 1610 he participated in the battle lasted about five hours eventually... The foreign mercenaries entered negotiations with the attack Katyn forest of Poles by..., as Shuiski ordered a reiter unit to counterattack, in between the salvos Polish-Lithuanians! Lub telefon, Shuisky divided his forces into several smaller units Waza as the Russian made the. 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